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Jeff Andrews

Ney Neto
Tarcísio Caetano
Filipe Castro
Edu Fettermann
Rdg Bass
THiaGo CoRReiA
Edson Sousa
27 participantes

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Jeff Andrews - Página 2 Empty Re: Jeff Andrews

Mensagem por dibass Sex Abr 26, 2013 9:11 am


Mensagens : 1564
Localização : uberlandia- MG

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Jeff Andrews - Página 2 Empty Re: Jeff Andrews

Mensagem por LuCaSbass Seg Abr 29, 2013 8:57 pm

O Jeff colocou isso a pouco no Facebook... para quem estava curioso para saber seu estado de saúde e seu paradeiro nesses últimos anos:

Greetings my fellow Bassist,
Thank you for your all of your replies and support, I'm now preparing for a Tour in Brazil, Columbia and Bolivia with a trio consisting of Nelson Faria, Kiko Fretas, two of the top musicians in Brazil and beyond in my opinion we will start in late May and June and will be doing dates in NYC.
Secondly, I was shocked to hear so much disinformation floating around about me and my profession. It is very sad. I have heard everything from I quite playing to I have a serious drug problem. #1 as you can hear I am very much still playing. #2 Drugs, let me clear the air for once and for all. Back in the crazy 80's I was turned onto heroin by Mike and Lani Stern when they lived on 12 the street across from Bradley's. One night Lani shot me up using a dirty needle in there bathroom. Unfortunately I didn't know they carried both Hepatitis B and C. I never shot up again, but several months later and right on course I contracted both forms of Hepatitis and regardless I had to keep on touring to pay the rent. I had no idea what I was in for with a destroyed Liver, high fevers, Major Depression, and absolutely no energy. I was touring with Mike Brecker a great musician and best friend. Mike B helped as much as possible but eventually fell victim to a similar virus. I still have these diseases, not contagious, but suffer there aftermath. It has been a great struggle to remain in NewYork and do music.
After using his inexhaustible trust fund of close to half a billion dollars, Mike and Lani Stern both were able to afford the best medical quality care New York has to offer and went to a drug rehab and was successfully treated for there addictions to Heroin, Cocaine and Methadone. As well as, Interferone treatment for Hepatitis A , B and C and are now totally healthy. I'm happy for them. I unfortunately came from a modest background and was unable to afford such expensive treatments. Because I was not able to afford these treatments, Mike began spreading rumors that I had quite playing music and was pursuing a life of debauchery. Then pursued to take over my gig at the 55 Bar paying the side men much more than I could dream of so I lost a lot of work.
Yet, I am still here in the village playing my ass off and ready for all. I have left all of my information for those friends and fans who want more info. feel free e-mail, Call, smoke signals etc.

Bassically Yours,
Jeff Andrews


Mensagens : 10830

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Jeff Andrews - Página 2 Empty Re: Jeff Andrews

Mensagem por Fernando Zadá Seg Abr 29, 2013 9:35 pm

Caraca ele queimou o filme do Mike Stern e da mulher feio hein!
Fernando Zadá
Fernando Zadá

Mensagens : 14251

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Jeff Andrews - Página 2 Empty Re: Jeff Andrews

Mensagem por DUDUBASS Seg Abr 29, 2013 11:32 pm

Eita mah! Agora a barra pesou...

G D A E       C G D A E       C G D A E B

Mensagens : 2475
Localização : FORTALEZA

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Jeff Andrews - Página 2 Empty Re: Jeff Andrews

Mensagem por Edão Qua Ago 30, 2023 4:56 pm

Tô escutando a playlist do Jeff Andrews no Spotify. E o cara foi genial. Ainda tô absorvendo.

"Sua discografia inclui muitas gravações (duas ganhadoras do Grammy). O talento de Jeff foi notado desde cedo por Jaco Pastorius, e muitos outros músicos e devotos em todo o mundo elogiaram sua técnica virtuosística, linguagem musical e som fluido."

Esse trecho foi traduzido automaticamente desta página: https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/nytimes/name/jeff-andrews-obituary?id=15466638

Isso define bem o cara.

Edão - Clube Cort #62 Clube Roland Boss #18 Clube do Blues #22 Fretless Club #92 Custom Basses Club #041
Clube Fender #161 Jazz Bass Clube #0111 Clube do Precision Bass #123 Clube Giannini #093

Mensagens : 1968
Localização : Rio Branco/AC

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Jeff Andrews - Página 2 Empty Re: Jeff Andrews

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